

    OERB site

The Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB) offers a number of digital activities and interactive learning resources Kindergarten to Grade 12 for publicly funded schools.

Login at using the login and password for your local school board provided by a teacher or Guidance Counsellor. The OERB has also been integrated in to the provincial virtual learning environment (vLE). Choose your board from and use your individual username and password. Talk to your teacher or Guidance Counsellor for more information.


Summaries of the OERB activities are arranged by strand for Grade 1 to Grade 12. Click on a selected grade for the drop down menu to access the summary for a strand or secondary course. All tables feature a description, picture and Resource ID (ex., ELO1414330) for each activity. For easy access, copy the selected activity Resource ID from the summary, enter the OERB site from a new tab and paste in the search prompt.